Tuesday, 29 April 2008

heads banging so the kitchen is quiet. no birds whistling at all.
sure i saw a squirrel in the park. red so thats rare.
meg and tara snoring its a dogs life.

cardmaking can be therapeutic and inspirational. it takes your mind off your problems for a while whatever they may be.

butterflies, cats, window boxes.

Monday, 28 April 2008

before/after pics. slept most of day. made a couple of cards in between.

birds whistling in the rain.
up early, turned in very early.

Sunday, 27 April 2008

been no where on the net today except shopping and here for a few minutes. limiting myself. should say trying. turning in, tired.

watching tv wasnt very enjoyable means doing 2 things at the same time watching, listening, brain can,t do 2 things at once.
popped in to post a card in the middle of midsummers but the computers still slow.
put my trainers on to take meg over the park but it poured down and looked like thunder, poor excuse i could have taken a brolly.
it,s been such a long time since i had trainers on felt very strange.

I don,t think i,ll ever like blogging, not really, it,s about as far from me as you can get..
so i,m cutting it down and changing the theme. as i,ve tried before.
started off ok then went pear shaped. but im trying to get it right as always.
It,s just going to be hobby themed.

everyone has thoughts in thier head, mine like everyones will have to stay where they are ..
for eternity..

difficult for me i could give the mind reader a run for his money,
its like the film last night with Mel Gibson, what women want.
this is what comes from having over developed sixth sense and that's all i can ever say on it.

think when you are cut off or inside away from the world another sense takes over..this is what happened to me...im going to pretend now that i,m like everyone else clueless isn't the right word..
part of the "unseeing unhearing gang".

i,ll see with my eyes hear with my ears.... give the mind a rest ..
it could sure do with it..
i know too much for my own good..about mystical things...
pouring down, dark gloomy, just here to say asleep early, very early. need it.
it,ll just be maybe a card later, need all the rest i can get.
if i hope to ever be better i need to follow advice .

Saturday, 26 April 2008

nothing much doing so thought id post a card or 2.
alison.. if you are looking i hope your eye is getting better. x
and ive done it again wittering on..
film on tonight about russia might watch it son says its been on sky but i have,nt watched tv for 6 month. ashamed to admit to it but it,s true.
why tell lies.
if you say some thing to be like everyone else just to fit in because it conforms thats being untrue to yourself. i did watch half an hour of a couple best get it right. facts.
trying to put these blogs in some sort of order.theres healing over there gilly in the middle hobbies here and new starts gone.

just got to get on with the hobby side of it.

taken a flu remedy plus painkillers which i think was the wrong thing to do.
craft cd arrived today 90p...thats it, i dont feel comfortable on blogs any more.
this was supposed to be a blog about crafts not wittering on about negative things. so from here on in it is. just crafts and hobbies.

Friday, 25 April 2008

woke up flu symptoms so having breakfast then going back.
had lots of advice which is good, need more rest. so i,ll catch up on sleep during the day. early night last night.

Thursday, 24 April 2008

my brothers off on his holidays i thought it was last week. across the other side of the world. it,ll be lovely but i wouldnt like it. i think of packed places,
lots of people, fills me with dread.
just looked at the time 3pm. utter quiet.
eerie really.
shoppings arriving soon and i could just go off to sleep ..... for a thousand years..
just noticed its not 3 its after 4pm
I might one day write a book about it all..
some times in life you get the feeling youve upset some one yet have no idea what it was.. so you think, did you say something, not say something, turned up late,
missed a call, didnt answer an email, i dont send many so it couldnt have been email. as i sit here trying to think, head banging.
with colors dancing over the keyboard. green today. yellowish green.
i pick up vibes, sadly, its been a 24 hr, for months thing.
and that doesnt even come any where near explaining it.
the guardian angel of health. my attitudes about myself are rich in love and acceptance.
realised, weekend out, highly unlikely.
I just have to start a small job and truth sinks in.
work to be done. unless the fairies come in.


handpainted book marks.
roses and leaves.

been thinking of having a craft blog. anything crafty is very therapeutic.
so looks like change is on its way again.
its gonna be daisy crafts. about hobbies ect.
managed to fix the clock.just checked clocks still not correct time.
done it. eventually.
Im just sitting here then ive got to wash up, tidy, thats it,
i don,t bother anyone i havent the confidence.
trying to change the time, computers baffle me. my hubby said just chuck it out of the window. whole kit caboodle.. he may have a point. so its 10.42am.
looking up vitamins again.
i.ll have to be fit enough to get out if i,m to be places and the mountain won,t come to mohammed, don,t even know if thats the right way round but does it matter in the long run.? no.
I,ll say one thing for worry... quick way to lose weight even if you don,t need to.
life, the world, its all one complete worry for some one like me..
my new name is the original "gillian", my son said ages ago mam drop the gilly you arent 17 any more.
which is a shame but i can,t stay there forever. as much as i,d like too.
this is the new blog its st sealtiel my gaurdian angel name.
late today. woke stiff with a cough and a cold too thought id be better, in bed early.
setting my sights to the outside world.
doves have vanished, blue tits back, its raining and cold. posties just been.

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

trying to change from a fairy name blog address..to a guardian angel .
put this new blog address down as the guardian angel of my birth day . st sealtiel.
Ive always wanted a new blog with a completely new name, a new blog title, new everything really. ringing the changes. the old blog served its purpose.
so the others will be left to gather dust.. for posterity, while i delete.
this new blog is called st seatiel gaurdian angel of my birthday.